Thursday, June 14, 2012

Diseases happen, but not today!

Today, I went to the Health station on campus. For the first time. It was a little scary, then I noticed they had a hand bell on the desk.*DING*

The nurse made me feel totally at ease, and just walked me through all of the paperwork and information she needed. 

The reason I went: pinkeye. I had woken up the previous morning with an ugly, lobster red right eye. There was a little drainage, but that lasted for only a few minutes. I called my boss and sent texts to my coworker that I couldn't make it to work that day. I didn't want to risk it.

This morning, however, the eye was not nearly as red, and it was dry. Not enough to be uncomfortable, but it wasn't draining.

I worked up the courage to go see the nurse. Believe me when I tell you this: I'm shy. I hate new people and unfamiliar places. It's a character flaw, and I embrace it.

The nice nurse-lady told me that it wasn't pinkeye *HALLELUJAH!* but my eye was irritated because of my contact lens. So she forbade me to wear them for 3 days. Now, I'm blind.


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